My Top 3 Tips to Live Life Un-Harnessed and Manifest Your Dreams

Create the vision, hold it in your mind's eye and then poof all your dreams come true. Is it really that easy?

Dear Sister Friend, I wish I could tell you so. 

The truth is that manifesting what you want in life, whether it's a fatter bank account, thinner waistline, a more loving relationship or creating heart centered business doing what you love, takes more than just a hope and dream.

Creating a life you love takes vision, commitment to do the work and full trust in who YOU are, and what you are being called to do. 

I want you to really meditate on this last statement I gave you.

The three parts required of you:

  • Create Your Ideal Vision
  • Stay Committed, No Matter What
  • Fully Trust in Who You Are and What You Are Being Called to Do

Often we give our power away, unknowingly of course.

We tell people our dreams and goals, and then they say something that we take to heart, because we think they know better than us, but they don't always. 

This is why...

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Ritual #2: How to Take Back Your Power and Ease Into 2020 With Unstoppable Resolve.

Hey There Friend,

You want to go into 2020 feeling unstoppable right! Awesome.

Here's what NOT to do:

  • Start goals because you think you, "Have to."
  • Continue beating yourself up for not reaching past goals.
  • Hanging on to someone else's ideals and self imposed values.


INSTEAD you're about to take back your POWER. 

Here is part 2 of the Empath Woman Awaken Ritual Series.

 Today, let's walk through 2 simple steps to recognize where your power is being taken away from you:

  • Where you might be giving your power away.
  • Which goals are truly yours and how to crush them without all the emotional baggage and guilt of the past.

This week is about empowering you with some serious truth, and a concrete way to stop struggling and get more of what you want.


You ARE tired of the struggle, RIGHT?

 If you're still struggling, it's because something within you says it's not okay to have it. 

Here's the FANTASTIC news about that!!!


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