Sugar Got Ya Feeling the Blues: 5 Ways to Overcome Food Cravings

Uncategorized Feb 16, 2019

Heya Gorgeous!

You know the feeling. The donut screaming your name on the break room table. The Ben and Jerry's calling you from the freezer. The warm chocolate chip cookies your daughter just baked, beckoning from the kitchen counter. The nachos eating away at your willpower as you binge on Netflix. Here they are again-the cravings!

We all have them, but do you know why, and what to do about them? Cravings have both physical and emotional components. The most common foods we crave are sugar, carbs, salt, chocolate and my fave cheese! 

There was a time where I could gulf down a plate of nachos at midnight, it was my only time to decompress with no kids, no cell phone, and no demands! 

So let's chat about some helpful tips to overcoming them, and what truly causes them to strike. 

4 Causes of Cravings:


Cravings come from the region of the brain that is responsible for your memory, pleasure and reward. Food is an intricate part of ancestral history. Food means connection, celebration and pleasure. Thanksgiving is coming up soon, and it is a time to gather around the table with friends, and family to celebrate and give thanks. To foster connection and feelings of belonging.

When you are lonely, sad, disconnected, overwhelmed, or simply unfulfilled, or my favorite-always doing for others, forgetting about your own needs, it leaves feelings of emptiness. What you really crave is fulfillment and deep connection.


This goes right along with the fore mentioned emotions. Stress is a big one, work got you worried about that huge project you agreed to take on, and suddenly you find yourself standing in front of the fridge looking to indulge. Worried about that upcoming work function and what you'll wear, struggling with body image issues...Oh hey you tall dark glass of wine, and sexy cheese, going my way! 

Gut Imbalance

Low serotonin levels are linked to cravings. Your feel-good friend serotonin is produced in the gut and released through the gastrointestinal tract. In order for the body to release serotonin correctly, your gut needs to be functioning in tip top shape and absorb the nutrients it needs to convert. 

This beautiful and magical production happens based on the health of the bacteria residing in your gut. If imbalanced it can't do its job. Chances are your gut is not functioning like the super star it is due to overuse of antibiotics, stress, toxic load and sugar consumption.


Eating sugary foods produces a similar high that narcotic users experience when using Cocaine (study). Your body increases the production of Endorphins in the body. Endorphins are basically opiates that make us feel relaxed. So when you eat these foods and experience this feeling, you want more-more-more—similar to the way drug users get addicted to narcotics. In fact, a recent study shows that sugar can produce an intense feeling of reward. and cause as much addiction as cocaine (study). It’s that powerful. 

Now let's discuss how you can stop cravings in their tracks...

5 Tips for Tackling Food Cravings 

  • Drink more water- the majority of us are walking around completely dehydrated. The goal: Drink half your body weight in ounces. For example a 140 pound woman should drink minimum 70 ounces of water a day. By the way if you are sick of hearing this, here is your gentle reminder, "The teacher will continue to appear until you have learned the lesson." This is so vital to excellent health, bounding energy and a trim waist line.If you don't love the flavor of water add lemon, orange slices, cucumbers, or mint. Play around with your water until you find something you enjoy.

  • Avoid processed foods and sugar. The more you eat the cellophane wrapped goodies, or pick your dinner up from the fast food window, the more your body will crave the unhealthy food that sabotages your efforts. I like to think of those ugly overgrown bacterias in the gut as wildfire embers, lying in wait for fuel, sugar is their fuel that feeds them, and prevents your gut from healing. 


  • Make time for you, don’t neglect your self care needs. DEPRIVATION will only lead to more cravings and over doing it. If you are constantly telling yourself no, no you can’t eat that, no you can’t go out with your girlfriends, no you can't spend the money....No. No. No you can't do that pleasurable thing for yourself cause the kids need something, you will eventually OVER-Induldge and resentment will also sneak in. Allow yourself what you crave in moderation. 


  • Move your body and rest. Rather than using food as a pick me up, go for a walk. Feeling sluggish and tired? Instead of reaching for the soda or coffee, drink some water and practice some deep breathing exercises. Put a limit on your Netflix binge. Go To BED. I say this in love, cause this girl feels like she needs to watch an entire season in one night...and hello its recorded and I'm not going to miss anything! 


  • Avoid your trigger foods for 14 days. Your body has fooled you into thinking you need these foods, show it what you really need. If you really want to be free from food cravings, avoid eating those foods for a set period of time. Make empowered choices with a healthier option, instead of chips, cheese or sweets choose low glycemic smoothies, guacamole, or like me just salt and pepper half an avocado, raw nuts, or a handful of berries. Here is the beautiful thing about your magical body, it will begin to crave what is healthy for you, your tastebuds will change and all of a sudden a sweet potato tastes heavenly without the brown sugar!

The most important thing you can do for yourself is go easy on you. Remember progress over perfection..and please don't quit on yourself if you don't get it exactly right...Keep going. 

Oh and one more thing, if you think living a healthy lifestyle means never enjoying a plate of nachos, or dessert again, please understand this gal is not at all about deprivation...Mama loves her nachos. It just means that if you no longer want to be a slave to your cravings, this is what is needed for a time. 

Blessings in Health and Happiness,


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