How to Overcome Weight Loss Resistance & Why Your Food Choices May Not Matter


Feel like it’s taking forever to lose the weight? Concerned that all your hard work is for nothing?

Maybe you’re really starting to wonder if you have what it takes to stay in the long haul and lose this weight for good? 

Today I did a Weight Loss Minute with Jen and I share what it truly takes to succeed at getting to your goals. Be sure to watch the short clip above.

As many of you know I released 70 pounds almost a decade ago, and I assure you my path was anything but straight. I had failures along the way, lost weight to gain it back, tried this diet and that one. But I didn't quit.

Maybe you feel like you aren't sure you want to keep going.  Beginning to doubt your ability to stay in the game. Life is too busy, you don't have time and it feels overwhelming. 

It's time to stop with your old stories that keep you stuck.

No more self doubt, it's not going to get you to where you want to be. It's time to draw a line in the sand and say THIS IS IT, this time I release the weight and follow through on what I said I was going to do. 

Here is the bottom line, your mindset is much more important than any "diet" you choose. How many people do you know that have lost some weight or have been chronic dieters? I was one of those people, I probably lost the same 20 pounds a 100 times! 

Improving your mindset will help you push back against self sabotage, and resistance while following through in doing the work.

If you are struggling with making the right choices, negative self talk, and eating the foods you know don't support your goals, it's time to look closely at your mindset. 

If you want to eliminate overwhelm and take consistent action toward your goal, even if you have no time, then I highly recommend CLICK HERE to download my free mini course where I guide you through my proven system that helped me lose 70 lbs  and will give you the tools to:

  • uncover your blocks and what is truly preventing you from releasing the weight for good. 
  • Improve your mindset so that weight loss feels effort-less and you are consistently taking action toward your goals
  • Simple step by step roadmap to simplify this part of your life so it doesn't feel overwhelming even when you have no time.

Be sure to get on the list and become an insider at the top of the page so that you are the first to hear of its release. 

Until next time, keep doing the work. You have within you a beautiful gift to share, stop hiding and become who you are truly meant to be. 

Blessings in Health and Happiness,


Hop on over to our Facebook Group and share how do you plan to overcome self sabotage and follow through on your goals this week?



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