Since it is Martin Luther King day I thought it would be fitting to reflect on what Dr. King taught us about facing what seems like the impossible, to accomplish life changing dreams, and tie it into your weight loss success.
Dr. King played a pivotal role in the creation of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 that outlawed discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin and ended racial segregation at schools, at work, and at public facilities.
I wonder if he knew what he was capable of when he started out on this journey? I wonder if like you and me, he often felt like he wasn't getting where he wanted to go fast enough.
What if he gave up?
Can you imagine? Ummm no thank you!! Thank goodness he did not give up and kept pushing forward for a more beautiful world.
His belief in taking action, "even if you don't see the whole staircase" and another great quote: “If I cannot do great things, I can do small things in a great way.” remind me that you and I are capable of whatever we set our mind to and commit to consistent action.
If we want something better, we have to commit and be consistent about our actions every single day.
Dr. King taught us that even small acts that don't seem like anything major are actually moving us in the direction of change we want to see. It is in those small choices like drinking water instead of soda, or eating greens instead of a cheeseburger, that are going to get you to your goal weight.
Weight loss is as much a mindset transformation as it is a physical one.
The question to ask yourself is, "Is it worth it?" Is it worth the struggle. Dr. King had to stand firm in the face of significant opposition, even violence and obviously our struggle is but a fraction of what this man endured, but we can look at him as someone who withstood because he BELIEVED in something better.
Do you believe in something better than what you are living right now?
Can you imagine for a moment a more empowered, confident, attractive YOU living your truth without fear?
This is my definition of passionate, purposeful weight loss. You are being called forward, she calls from within, guiding you and honoring your desires. Deep within you know you can do this, in fact you ARE doing this. Step by step, action by action, and choice by choice.
My beautiful friends you are worthy of your righteous desires and honoring your body through weight loss is a righteous desire. You can do this, I believe in you.
Watch this video I created for you for a quick bite size dose of inspiration from yours truly to keep you going when life gets in the way.
P.s. If you love the video don't forget to sign up for my weekly newsletters that will fill you full of tips to get you to your goals quickly and efficiently with a double dose of inspiration. Plus you get my free weight loss class.
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Oh and if you haven't already done so, you are going to want to be a part of a series I am teaching Master Your Metabolism in 5 Simple Steps, and guess who gets the details first....You guessed it my insiders, so go sign up here and get on the A-List and start receiving your exclusive content you won't see anywhere else!!
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Until next time friends blessings in health and happiness!
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